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Evergrey music lyrics

Evergrey lyrics
Evergrey is a melodic metal band from Gothenburg, Sweden. The band was founded in 1996 and released its debut album The Dark Discovery in 1998. Evergrey’s lyrics have always been of the darker sort. While The Dark Discovery dealt with a variety of ideas, later albums have been concept albums, dealing with issues like self-reformation (Recreation Day), paranoia, alien abduction (In Search of Truth), child abuse, and religion (The Inner Circle). Recreation Day is an album that covers many issues, ranging from death and mourning to general fear and sorrow, all of which contribute to a greater concept of re-creation of oneself. These ideas are explored from many different points of view, such as someone contemplating suicide (&...
Evergrey official site Evergrey at spotify Evergrey at Evergrey at youtube Evergrey at wikipedia Evergrey at myspace 3247 views

Evergrey albums and songs lyrics

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Evergrey - Escape of the phoenix lyrics Escape of the phoenix lyrics
Evergrey - The atlantic lyrics
The atlantic lyrics 
The atlantic at The atlantic at spotify
The atlantic lyrics
Evergrey - The storm within lyrics The storm within lyrics
Evergrey - Hymns for the broken lyrics Hymns for the broken lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Evergrey music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 45 songs of Evergrey lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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